Book A Reading

Book A Reading

Book A Reading

Scott would be happy to read at your library, school, bookstore, or any other event!

After your reading, my mom took my daughter to the Pierson Library and she picked out two more of your books to sign out for the week. You have an enthusiastic fan! 

Lisa H, Shelburne Nursery School


Email scottwilsonbooks [ a t ] g m a i l .com

Charlotte, VT

(802) 724-2486

Reading Reviews

Scott Read all 4 of his books to our Preschool Class (that alone is saying something).  The books kept our attention and made us laugh out loud and had some unexpected turns.  We all thoroughly enjoyed Scott’s storytelling ability. 

– Ms. Kim, Shelburne Nursery School

His books are funny, and entertaining for children and adults.  I love that he introduces ‘big’ words for children to learn and try out. 

Ms. Sheri, Shelburne Nursery School